
NEWSWEEK Names U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle as one of the Nation’s Top 10 Museums

Carlisle, PA – NEWSWEEK has released its list of Top 10 Museums in the U.S., and a local attraction has made the list for the first time ever.

The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) in Carlisle consistently ranks as the number one tourist destination in Cumberland County and has now been lauded as one of the Top 10 museums in the nation, in the March 6 issue of NEWSWEEK.

USAHEC is free and open to the public, and features an interactive Soldier Experience Gallery, a photography display, artifacts, personal papers, full-scale reconstructions of historical time periods and other items of interest, along with a popular outdoor Walking Trail lined with tanks, trenches, aircraft, artillery, and more.

“We are elated to earn this national recognition not only for this area, but for the men and women we are dedicated to honoring here,” said Julie Germany, President of the Army Heritage Center Foundation. “Being recognized in the year we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Army just adds an extra special element to the meaningful celebrations we have planned this year.’”

The Army Heritage Center Foundation will host a formal dinner to celebrate the 250th anniversary on June 14th at USAHEC. The Foundation is also working to support updating the Center’s exhibits, including the interactive Soldier Experience Gallery.

USAHEC is a hub of knowledge and expertise for the military, government, academia, and the American public.

Future Army Heritage Center Foundation events this year include a Recognition Dinner headlined by General David Petraeus, U.S. Army Retired, the former director of the CIA who led multinational forces in Iraq, and later served as commander in chief of the Central Command; an appearance by award-winning author and WASHINGTON POST journalist Rick Atkinson; along with used book sales, holiday events, and photographs with “Sergeant Santa” for children and pets.

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