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Warren Austin, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., and the Cold War at the United Nations, 1947–1960 with Dr. Sean Brennan

Warren Austin, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., and the Cold War at the United Nations, 1947–1960 with Dr. Sean Brennan

Dr. Brennan will discuss how, representing the US government during the earliest era of the United Nations, Warren Austin, who served the Truman administration, and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., who was Eisenhower’s ambassador, both attempted to navigate a delicate path in tumultuous time period marked by the beginning of the Cold War, the end of European imperialism, the McCarthyite scare in the United States, and the threat of atomic annihilation. Their success in doing so laid the groundwork for the victory of the West over the Soviet Union and ensure the United Nations would win crucial US support and avoid the fate of its predecessor, the League of Nations.

This lecture program is sponsored through a generous donation from FN America – A global leader in the development & manufacturing of high quality firearms for military and  law enforcement.


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