Ways to Give

Every gift to Army Heritage Center Foundation is meaningful, valued, and appreciated. 

Online, Phone, or Mail

The Foundation gratefully accepts gifts online, or you may speak with a member of the development team at 717-258-1102 to make a gift over the phone. If you prefer, you may also mail a gift to Army Heritage Center Foundation, P.O. Box 839, Carlisle, PA 17013.

Annual Giving

Membership recognizes donors who demonstrate their belief in the mission of the Foundation with annual philanthropic support. The Foundation offers six levels of membership and one level of corporate membership. Individuals also may become lifetime members.

Estate and Deferred Giving

Making a gift by bequest, charitable gift annuity, or other planned giving instrument can benefit both you and the Foundation’s mission. The development team is available at 717-258-1102 to assist you and coordinate with your estate, tax, or financial planning advisor.

Soldiers Walk

Donors can also sponsor commemorative bricks and pavers placed along Soldiers Walk at the entrance to the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. 

Employer Matching

If you are affiliated with a company that matches contributions, you can multiply the power of your gift by identifying your employer when you make your donation. Your gift may be matched, doubled, or even more than doubled. Some companies also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Other Ways to Give

The Foundation also accepts outright gifts in a variety of other ways including:

  • Securities
  • Real estate
  • Retirement accounts
  • Life insurance
  • Donor-advised funds

The Foundation’s development team is available at 717-258-1102 to assist you in determining the best way to contribute.

Soldier Mementos of Service

The Army Heritage Center Foundation may serve as an intermediary for donations to the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center of books, manuscripts, photo collections, letters, maps, and other materials documenting a Soldier’s service. However, all donations of Soldier memorabilia must receive approval by the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center prior to the U.S. Army’s acceptance. Please email the Foundation for more information.

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