
Individual Membership Societies

army heritage Donor Recognition Wall

Individuals can support our mission to tell the Army story in three unique ways.  Interested supporters are encouraged to join one of the societies below.  As your lifetime giving increases, you gain recognition within our esteemed Giving Circles Society.

Your contributions will allow the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center to continue to improve the “Telling of the Army story . . . one Soldier at a time.”  We ask that you sustain and grow programs of the USAHEC and the Foundation as an annual donor, a member of our monthly giving society or as a legacy donor.  We understand that each person’s situation is unique but hope you will find a way to grow and enhance our efforts.

We will recognize your support  — in our annual report and on the donor wall at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center.  As your lifetime contributions grow, you will advance in rank from a Member of Squad to become a Commander-in-Chief.  Please join us a member of one of our Giving Circle Societies.

Giving Circles


army heritage foundation vision

Annual Membership:  Our is an annual giving society allows donors to show their support and belief in the Army Heritage Center Foundation’s mission.  Every increasing levels of membership brings greater benefits that will enrich your own connection to the Army Story.  Funds raised through annual memberships go directly to Foundation initiatives and programs.

Annual Membership Society



Coren Society:  Our monthly sustaining membership society allows for re-occurring monthly gifts that go directly toward supporting critical operations at the Army Heritage Center Foundation.  Members of the Coren Society recognize the importance of monthly ongoing gifts to maintain our margin of excellence.  In recognition of these valuable, long-term donors, we offer a lasting source of recognition, such as a commemorative brick or paver, as well as an invitation to join fellow Coren Society Members for an annual breakfast event.

The Coren Society – Monthly Giving


 Washingtonburg Society:  Our legacy giving society recognizes supporters who have demonstrated confidence in the Army Heritage Center Foundation (AHCF) by including AHCF in their estate plans or by making deferred gifts.   Members of this society will be recognized on the Washingtonburg Society Wall of Honor and at our annual membership dinner and Washingtonburg Society Luncheon.

The Washingtonburg Society – Legacy Giving


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