
Management of Agriculture and Food in The German Occupied and Other Areas of Fortress Europe /Karl Brandt and Associates


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Of the series of some twenty volumes which the Stanford Food Research Institute has been arranging to cover food and agricultural policies, achievements, and failures in the second world war, this is one of the largest and most important. ‘In order to show the complex, bewilderingly incoherent, and seemingly contradictory regional policies and actions for what they were—namely, the distant operations of a centrally managed modern power-state economy—the authors chose to use the power policies of the German Reich under Hitler as their frame of reference’ (p. xx). They had voluminous documentary evidence, the help of many experts, and the advantage of years of personal experience and study of many of the relevant basic problems in agricultural economics and administration.
On its own merits this volume deserves close study by all concerned with war-time strategy, and with agricultural policies. It has also substantial interest for those concerned with Germany’s post-war international relations, particularly with France.

Approximate size of book and weight. All books with be shipped Media Mail, but
we still need to know if it is oversized or extremely heavy.
Dimensions:6” x 9” x 2 ¼” inches Weight: 1.75 pounds

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